Red Dragon and KUSSR are both effective Motorized decks. Use mostly NorK infantry (Bochongsu and Jeogockdae) for the frontline and support them with the Chinese/Soviet units. Potrace app mac os. Some people like KUSSR Armoured due it being a USSR Armoured with the ability to bring two T-90 cards (NorK T-90s, USSR T-72BU) and having the B-5 but I find this to be a. Let's me show you around the Ash & Shadows US armory. There sure are a LOT of new units to work with. Ash & Shadows mod here:

AndSo I had taken a 2week break from wargame and when I started playing a game, almost every game I inevitably get an ACCESS VIOLATION crash. It seems to be semi-random but it only happens when I am actually in a match (so I haven't crashed in lobbies, etc). I have no idea what could be causing it and I've never had this problem before. Nothing on my end has changed ( no new drivers, etc) and as far as I remember Wargame hasn't been patched recently so I'm really confused as to what's going on.
I've already tried reinstalling and verifying the game cache.Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows Turkey
Crash Dumps:

The error message comes after the game freezes, so I can't simply ignore it and continue to play.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.TurkeyHunting

Kenji Furuya


Wargame Red Dragon Ash And Shadows

Wargame Red Dragon
