We've started 2020 by playing 20 years old Real-Time Strategy which gotsignificant new (re)release called Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition.

If u have installed a mod go to the insalled mods page in game on the right side u find open folder. Normal is C: Users username Games Age of Empires 2 DE Long ID Like 444 mods There u will find a folder subscribed in that one are the mods. Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition – Lords of the West is now available for pre-order on the Microsoft Store and Steam! Coming January 26th! Find new game mods or create your own and share! Download & Install Instructions.

While previous AoE2 HD edition was basically an update for modern systems,Definitive Edition brings significant and much needed improvements which makethe two-decades-old game more playable and enjoyable, most notably:

  • farms and fish traps can be automatically renewed ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  • improved UI shows amounts of villagers assigned to individual resources
  • improved command, building, and waypoint queues
  • new AI (daaayum it's good)
  • new civilizations (35 total)
  • fabulous updated HD (and even Ultra HD with optional free DLC) graphics including building destruction simulation
  • Art of War challenges provide a tool for noobs to to learn and train game essentials
  • ranked matchmaking
  • cross-play (yes, people play AoE2 on xbox :-O)
  • more quality of life improvements like zoom, grid, research indication, improved saves & replays, achievements, Empires War mode, ..
  • integrated mod support

The game is really great on its own, but the search for perfection never endsand there is integrated mod support, so let's talk about few essential modsthat improve the game even further!

All these mods are UI/graphics/sounds utility mods or scenarios that don'tinterfere with game data so you can safely use them in online matchesincluding ranked and they're easily available from the in-game mod browser.

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods

What did the monk say?

First and foremost, let's talk about the game's most distincive if notsignature unit - the monk.

I don't think I need to explain what WOLOLO means. In fact, it's a toptier meme that's still strong after two decades and I never quite understoodwhy AoE 2 replaced the legendary conversion sound with a boring and generic'holy sound'.

Modding community provided fixes for this critical regression in the past likeWololo Monks modfor AoE2 HD, but Definitive Edition changed sound engine so old sound modsdon't work.

This was the only mod I was really missing to complete my AoE experience soI wrote it myself and uploaded to the in-game mod browser:

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Steam

Now you can WOLOLO like any self-respecting person would, courtesy oftexnoforge ;)

Taming the Trees

Age Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods Apk

The new graphics are nice, but trees are so big they sometimes make selection,commands, and building placement more difficult than it needs to be.

There are several options to make trees smaller, pick one:

  • Improved Small Trees
  • Bamboo Only (Small Trees)
  • CubeTrees

If you happen to actually like CubeTrees, you can convert all resources tocubes using the infamousAge of Cubes mod ¯_(ツ)_/¯

git gud

I really like the Art of War series of tutorials/challenges that explainand let players train essential aspects of the game. If you'd like to improveyour opening and individual build orders even more, there's a great modwhich works much like the Art of War but includes 10 different buildorders to train with A-F rating for you to improve on.Activate through Game Mode -> Custom Scenario.

  • Interactive Build Order Guide
Age of empires definitive edition modsAge Of Empires 2 Definitive Edition Best Mods

You can also train hotkeys to construct various building quickly and reliably,giving you more time to focus on important things and less rage overthat lumber camp on gold that should've been mining camp.Activate through Game Mode -> Custom Scenario.

Unless you remember details of all 35 civs, consider displaying condensedversion of tech tree of your current civ at all times, which is especiallyuseful when playing random.

  • Improved Tech Tree UI Mod

Blood for the Blood God

Age of empires 2 definitive edition best mods xbox one

By default, dead bodies of units disappear quite fast and no skeletons are leftbehind in DE. And thus my final reccomendation adds blood to the game which stays for quitesome time. Windows 10 lite download iso. Aside from the obvious visual pleasure of good slaughter, itprovides utility of marking the spots of battle for quite some time.

  • Crimson Blood

Good Luck & Have Fun!